The aim of this course is to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge required to effectively manage crisis situations and ensure the safety of passengers, cargo, and the hull integrity of the vessel. The course will cover crisis management, emergency procedures, and human behaviour in emergencies, as well as specific training on passenger safety, cargo safety, and hull integrity in accordance with Regulation V/2, Section A-V/2, paragraph 4 and Table A-V/2-2 of the STCW'78 Convention, as amended and its STCW Code. And IMO Model 1.29
Understand and apply crisis management principles in emergency situations.
Organize and implement shipboard emergency procedures effectively.
Optimize resource use during emergencies.
Control responses to emergencies and manage personnel and passengers.
Ensure safe embarkation and disembarkation procedures.
Handle the carriage and securing of dangerous goods.
Calculate stability, trim, and stress, and manage hull integrity.
Communicate effectively during crises.
Course Content:
Module 1: Introduction to STCW Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety, and Hull Integrity Training
Module 2: Organize Shipboard Emergency Procedures
Module 3: Optimize the Use of Resources
Module 4: Control Response to Emergencies
Module 5: Control Passengers and Other Personnel During Emergency Situations
Module 6: Loading and Embarkation Procedures
Module 7: Carriage of Dangerous Goods
Module 8: Securing Cargoes
Module 9: Stability, Trim, and Stress Calculations
Module 10: Opening, Closing, and Securing Hull Openings
Module 11: Ro-Ro Deck Atmosphere
Module 12: Ship Design, Layout, Emergency Plans, Procedures, and Drills
Module 13: Optimization of Resources
Module 14: Human Behaviour and Responses
Module 15: Establish and Maintain Effective Communications
This course will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of crisis management, passenger safety, cargo safety, and hull integrity, equipping them with the necessary skills to manage emergencies effectively and ensure the safety of all onboard.
- Teacher: Admin User

The course aims to provide comprehensive training in crowd management, passenger safety, and safety training for personnel providing direct services to passengers in passenger spaces, ensuring compliance with Regulation V/2, Section A-V/2, Paragraph 3, and Table A-V/2-1 of the STCW'78 Convention, as amended, and the IMO Model Course 1.28. The training will enhance the safety and efficiency of operations on passenger ships, particularly in emergency situations.
Equipparticipants with the necessary skills and knowledge to managecrowds and ensure passenger safety in both normal and emergencysituations.
Familiarize participants with the design and operational limitations ofpassenger ships.
Trainpersonnel on the procedures for opening, closing, and securing hull openings.
Educate participants on legislation, codes, and agreements affecting ro-ropassenger ships.
Ensure personnel understand the stability and stress requirements andlimitations of passenger ships.
Provide training on the maintenance of special equipment, loading and cargo securing manuals, and calculators.
Enhancecommunication skills and knowledge of life-saving appliances amongpersonnel providing direct services to passengers.
Course Content:
Module 1: Introduction to STCW
Module 2: Crowd Management Training
Module 3: Familiarization Training
Module 4: Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces
Module 5: Review and Assessment
This course ensures that all personnel involved in crowd management, passenger safety, and direct services to passengers are adequately trained to handle their responsibilities effectively, thereby enhancing the overall safety and efficiency of passenger ship operations.
- Teacher: Admin User

The Crowd and Crisis Management control training course on passenger ships is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills they must possess to exercise the role and assistance to passengers following structured procedures and plans on board a passenger ship. This covers the compulsory competences and knowledge, understanding and required competencies specified in the STCW Code.
Passenger Ship Crowd Management Training in accordance with Regulation V/2, Section A-V/2, Paragraph 3 and Table A-V/2-1 of the STCW'78 Convention, as amended and its STCW Code. And IMO Model 1.28
Passenger Ship Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training", in accordance with Regulation V/2, Section A-V/2, paragraph 4 and Table A-V/2-2 of the STCW'78 Convention, as amended and its STCW Code. And IMO Model 1.29
Organize the safe movement of vehicles and passengers when embarking and disembarking
Organize shipboard emergency procedures
Control response to emergencies
Control passengers and other personnel during emergency situations
Module 1:Introduction to STCW, Crowd & Crisis management training
Module 2:Crowd Management Training.
Module 3:Familiarization Training
Module 4:Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers inpassenger spaces Optimization of resources
Module 5:Control emergency situations
Module 6:Human behavior and responses
Module 7:Establish and maintain effective communications
- Teacher: Admin User